Projects / Open Source Projects

Tuesday, 01 February 2022
I'm a passionate open-source enthusiast. My open-source C# projects have garnered over 10 million downloads on NuGet, benefiting a global community of developers.

.NET & C# open-source
Yes, 10 million downloads on NuGet is significant, but these aren't just metrics; this number represents the trust and dependency the global developer community has placed on my work. You can browse through my various C# projects on GitHub, where you're welcome to fork, star, or contribute. I believe that collaboration and community input are the backbones of any successful open-source project.

Some of my projects

Here I want to list a few projects that I would like to draw your attention to.


When managing multiple websites, creating sitemaps can become repetitive and time-consuming. X.Web.Sitemap simplifies this process by offering an open-source, straightforward solution for .NET projects. Developed initially to generate a sitemap for a personal blog, the library has evolved to serve multiple projects, removing the need to duplicate sitemap logic across different codebases. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, X.Web.Sitemap makes creating and maintaining sitemaps for your .NET projects easy.

 Article about X.Web.Sitemap |  GitHub repository |  NuGet package

.NET Logging Provider for Telegram

The need for a more integrated communication workflow becomes apparent as Telegram gains popularity, especially among IT professionals. The .NET Logging Provider for Telegram aims to bridge this gap. Initially created to manage notifications from personal projects, this open-source solution allows you to send alerts and essential events directly to Telegram. The tool is ideal for work and personal use, providing a unified platform for event notifications.

 Article about .NET Logging Provider for Telegram on Medium |  GitHub repository |  NuGet package


Dealing with large datasets often requires an efficient pagination solution to enhance performance and user experience. X.PagedList offers precisely that, but with a unique advantage—it's a portable assembly. Born as a fork of Troy's PagedList, this library extends its utility across various .NET environments. By taking an IEnumerable/IQueryable and dividing it into "pages," X.PagedList lets you quickly retrieve a specific "page" by an index, with additional support from PagedList.Mvc for UI elements. This library offers a comprehensive yet simple approach to pagination.

 GitHub repository |  X.PagedList NuGet package|  X.PagedList.Mvc NuGet package
